
By | December 7, 2012

今天发现一个国外的免费在线表单制作生成网站,Wufoo  使用过后感觉非常好用,推荐个大家!

Wufoo is a web application that helps anybody build amazing online forms. When you design a form with Wufoo, it automatically builds the database, backend and scripts needed to make collecting and understanding your data easy, fast and fun.

Because we host everything, all you need is your web browser and a few short minutes to build a form and start using it right away. While we’ve collected a few of our favorite features here, the best way to experience Wufoo is first hand. So be sure to sign up today for free or try out the demo see how form building was meant to be done.

想当初,我国外的wordpress还使用了contact-us-form(联系我表单)和ucan-post(文章提交)两款插件来满足我网站的表单使用.现在我只用Wufoo 就可以制作多个表单在同一个网站上使用。

Wufoo 的表单设计非常简单,和玩拼图一样几步就可以设计出一个表单,但是毕竟我使用的是免费版,个别功能有限,例如:一个账号只可以创建3个免费的表单,每个表单只能创建10个表格,每个账号每月只能收100条Entries,不过这些对于我的小站来说已经完全足够,如果我是大站,使用收费功能也何尝不可?

如果你是WP的网站,配合他们的Wufoo Shortcode Plugin插件调用代码非常简单!


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